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- Meta Modern Era - reviews5
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- Testimonio - Sandra Isabel
- Cursos de Sahaja Yoga - Córdoba
- Asociación Civil y Cultural Sahaja Yoga
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- A unique discovery
- Peace through meditation
- The Yoga that transforms in seconds
- True yoga
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- My way of life by Mark Beaven
- Experience of Peter Hewitson
- Divine river
- Haiku poetry - Graham Brown
- Try Sahaja Yoga
- Experience of Peter Hewitson
- Clinical applications of meditation
- Experience of Anna Blaszczak
- Experience of Allan Jenner
- Experience of Beverley Budgen
- A Sahaja Life - Beverley Budgen
- Experience of Catherine Beaven
- Experience of Debbie Miller
- Experience of Lucy, Jack and Max
- Experience of Karen Downey
- Experience of Leanne Lingard
- Experience of Lyn Roles
- Experience of Mark Beaven
- Experience of Mark Beaven 2
- Experience of Peter Hewitson
- Experience of Peter Hewitson 2
- Experience of Pam Lewis
- Experience of Peter Morgan
- Experience of Paul Nicolai
- Experience of Bob Rankin
- Experience of Bob Rankin 2
- Experience of Susan Cavanagh
- Experience of Alex
- Experience of Katie
- Experience of JAS
- Experience of SLS
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- Experience of Hubert Stahl
- Mother Nirmala Devi
- Love is truth and truth is Love
- Sahaja Yoga & méditation
- Erkenne Dich Selbst
- Know Thyself and pass it on
- Finde Deinen inneren Frieden mit SY meditation
- Finde Deinen inneren Frieden mit SY meditation
- Der Segen von Shri Mataji
- SY Meditation - Nirvichara Samadhi
- Die Sieben Chakren
- Exercise of Self Realisation
- Exercise of Self Realisation 2
- Exercise of Self Realisation 3
- Exercise of Self Realisation 4
- Exercise of Self Realisation 5
- Exercise of Self Realisation 6
- Exercise of Self Realisation 7
- Meditation - was ist das?
- Der Segen der meditation
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- Das subtile system
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- Experience of Frank
- SY - l'équilibre par l'harmonie des chakras
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- SY - A gift to Humanity
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- Tenha sua Realização do Si
- Experiência de Luzimara dos Santos
- Sahaja Yoga - Belo Horizonte
- Experiência de Alzimar Agostinho
- Experiência de Carolina Barbosa
- Sahaja Yoga em Ibitinga
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- Experiência de Sergei Hofmann
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- Experience of Anna Karagity
- A litle greedy moment - Gita Pattison
- I feel great - Glenn Pattison
- Looking back - Gerlinde Satler
- Experience of Tom Jacob
- Experiements with SY - Web Shah
- Experience of Luben
- Experience of Gerlinde Satler
- Inspiration and joy
- Aaron's SahajaYoga site
- How I received my realization - Aaron
- SY site by Kristine
- Experience of Kristine
- Spiritual path - a challenge or a blessing
- Life in Sahaja Yoga
- Best way of life
- The founder of Sahaja Yoga
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- How to meditate
- Sahaja Yoga by Zane Downey
- A seeking story
- Discover divinity within
- Kundalini & self realization
- SahajaYoga - The true world
- SahajaYoga - Meta Science
- SahajaYoga - The Solution
- SahajaYoga - The path of reality
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- Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation
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- The Sahasrara Chakra
- Presentation of SahajaYoga - Benefits
- Come the Mother calls
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- More prophecies and fulfillments
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Czech Republic
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- Selvrealisation og Kundalini
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- Experience of Antti (English)
- Experience of Antti 2
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- Experience of Maija
- Experience of Nelli
- Pietarsaaren Sahaja Yoga
- Porin Sahaja Yoga
- Experience of Tuomo
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- Experience of Mariano
- abc Divin
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- Qu'est-ce que Sahaja Yoga 2
- Qu'est-ce que Sahaja Yoga 3
- Qui est Shri Mataji?
- Le système subtil
- Les 3 canaux
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- Was ist Sahaja Yoga?
- Was ist Sahaja Yoga?
- Selbst - Verwirklichung
- Yoga
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- Das kundalini
- Die nadis
- Das subtiles system
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- Regelmässige Veranstaltungen
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- Centers in Greece
- Experience of Polyvios Mylonas
- Experience of Archna Mylonas
Hong Kong
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- SY Chinese Newsletter
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- News Update Oct'01
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- Sahaja Newspaper
- The fourth UN women's world conference '95
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- press release 2001
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- A muladhara csakra
- A swadisthana csakra
- A nabhi csakra
- Az anahata(szív) csakra
- A vishuddh csakra
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- Clearing the swadhisthan chakra
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- Clearing blockage of centre nabhi chakra
- Void
- Anahat Chakra
- Clearing the centre heart chakra
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- Clearing the Vishuddhi Chakra
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- Clearing blockage of agnya chakra
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- Clearing blockage of sahasrara chakra
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- Site by Rajesh Sharma
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- The sahaja way to ultimate
- Prayers at the Lotus Feet
- Cure of Diabetes from Sahaja Yoga
- Experience of Dipil Telang
- The sahaja way to ultimate
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- Sahaja Yoga - a transformation
- The true divinity
- Experience the true divinity
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- The knowledge of the roots
- What is Sahaja Yoga
- The Maha Yoga
- Experience of Hermine Adingni
- Benefits of Sahaja Yoga
- Stress management and Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga in Delhi
- Introduction to Sahaja Yoga
- The power that created you
- This is the greatest truth
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- I chakra e il sistema sottile
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- Recenti avvenimenti
- Vibrazioni emesse da Shri Mataji 1
- Vibrazioni emesse da Shri Mataji 2
- Foto scattata ad un seminario di Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yogi che suonano musica classica indiana
- La realizzazione del Sè
- Shri Mataji - informazioni biografiche
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- Ayurvedica - La storia e la relazione con lo Yoga
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- Consigli alimentari per tipi Pitta
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New Zealand
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- Despre intoleranta religioasa
- Remember: Lev Tolstoi
- Fondatoarea Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga in Russia
- Sahaja Yoga seminars at Altai mountains
- Introduction to Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga
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- Spontaneous and free connection
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- Spontaneous and free connection (index)
- Sahaja Yoga in Altai
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- Sahaja Yoga in Kazan
- The real experience changing all my life
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- Links about Sahaja Yoga
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Saudi Arabia
- Sahaja Yoga in Saudi Arabia
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- Cakry a energetické kanály
- Kniha
- Sahadza joga
- Šri Matadzi Nirmala Devi
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- Výskum blahodárnych
- Seminár o blahodárnych
- Cakry a energetické kanály
- Kniha
- Sahadza joga
- Šri Matadzi Nirmala Devi
- Verejné programy
- Vyskum blahodarnych
- Seminár o blahodárnych
- Sahaja Yoga in Slovenia
- Experience of G.M.
- Experience of J.S.
- Experience of N.S.
- Reality in SY and fiction in Harry Potter
- Sahaja Yoga is the right path
- Experience of T.M.
- Sahaja Yoga is simple and very effective
- Experience of Darja
- Sahaja Yoga je enostavna in zelo ucinkovita
- Moja izkušnja v Sahaja Yogi
- SY - This is time for transformation
- Sahaja Yoga in Samospoznanje
- Sahaja Yoga je enostavna
- Sahaja Yoga is Unique
- Sahaja Yoga je edinstvena
- Zgornji rob
- Cakre in energetski kanali
- Poznavanje korenin
- Kje nas dobite?
- Uvodni seminar - Ljubljana
- Uvodni seminar - Kranj
- Rojstvo in otroštvo
- Sahaja Yoga is unique
- Sahaja Yoga je edinstvena
- Sahaja Yoga in Spain
- Una nueva poesía
- Sahaja Yoga in Sweden
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- La Realisation du Soi
- The Nirmal Bhakti
- Meditation (English)
- Meditation (French)
- Les saints et les artistes authentiques
- About SY in Deutsch, Francais, Italiano and English
- Official site of Sahaja Yoga in Switzerland
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- Contacts in Zurich
- Sutras Jesus
- Carl Gustav Jung
- Easter in Istanbul
- Divine Energie and the Quantum theorie
- The experience (English)
- The experience continues
- The Subtle system
- The three channels
- The seven chakras
- Introduction
- What is Self Realisation?
- La Kundalini
- Questions & Answers
- Biographical note of Shri Mataji
- The childhood of Shri Mataji
- The family life of Shri Mataji
- The advent of Sahaja Yoga
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- Testimonials and experiences
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- Site officiel Sahaja Yoga Suisse
- Contacts - Genève
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- Cours de Sahaja Yoga à Lausanne
- Contacter - Nyon
- SY programs around the world
- Contacter - Zürich
- Découverte en Chine, Sutra de Jesus
- L'inconscient collectif décrit par Carl Gustav Jung
- Pâques à Istambul
- L'Energie Divine et la thérie du Quantum
- Suite expérience
- L'expérience
- Le système subtil
- Les 3 cannaux
- Les 7 chakras
- Introduction (French)
- Introduction à l'expérience
- La Kundalini
- Autres liens
- Questions Réponses
- Note biographique
- Son enfance
- Sa vie de famille
- L'avènement Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga et l'art
- Témoignages
- Sahaja Yoga et la Connaissance
- Hauptseite
- Wie Sie uns finden - Genf
- Wie Sie uns finden - Bern
- Wie Sie uns finden - Basel
- Wie Sie uns finden - Lausanne
- Wie Sie uns finden - Nyon
- Wie Sie uns finden - Zurich
- Sutra von Jesus
- Carl Gustav Jung
- Ostern in Istanbul
- Fortsetzung der Erfahrung
- Die Erfahrung
- Meditation Switzerland: Kundalini awakening
- Das Innere unseres Wesens
- Die drei Kanäle
- Die sieben Chakren
- Einführung
- Die Erfahrung
- Die Kundalini
- Leitartikel
- Fragen - Antworten
- Biographische Notiz
- Ihre Kindheit
- Die Ankunft von Sahaja Yoga
- Le 5 mai 1970
- Sahaja Yoga und Kunst
- Berichte
- Sahaja Yoga und Wissen
- Sahaja Yoga in Thailand
- Sahaja Yoga in Thailand (index)
- Introduction to Sahaja Yoga
- What is Sahaja Yoga
- Who is Shri Mataji
- Benefits
- The seven chakras
- About Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- Contact us
- Testimonials
- Links
- Experience of Kalayanee
- Experience of Kaiwan
- Experience of Jongjin
- Experience of Janya
- Experience of Tara
- Experience of Chawal
- Experience of Thanaphob
- Experience of Thamnong
- Experience of Paweena
- Experience of Ratana (English)
- Experience of Wanphen
- Experience of Yingyot
- Experience of Somratch
- Experience of Sukit
- Experience of Supanee
- Experience of Samrerng
- Experience of Noname
- Experience of Wuttichai
- Experience of Amanda Currie (English)
- Experience of Oleg Korotki (English)
- Sahaja Yoga in Turkey
- Sahaja Yoga Sites
- About Shri Mataji
- Gerçek Meditasyon
- Gizli Beden
- Kundalini, vibrasyonlar ve aydinlanma
- Sahaja Yoga'nin Kurucusu
- Shri Mataji'ye
- Mucize fotograflar
- Arayan'in Rehberi
- Türkiye SY Merkezleri ve Toplantilari
- Shri Mataji'nin Istanbul
- Tesekkür ve mektuplar
- Sahaja Yoga Arastirmalari ve Faydalari
- Sahaja Yoga Hakkinda Kitaplar
- Sorular ve Yanitlar
- Shri Mataji'nin Konusmalari ve Alintilar
- Sahaja Yoga E-zine Abone Formu
- Sahaja Yoga Uluslararasi
- Aydinlanma
- Sahaja e-zine
- Halka Açik Program 1999
- Halka Açik Program 2000
- Halka Açik Program 2001
- Meta Modern Çag
- Sahaja Yoga Kehanetleri
- Tekne
- Gerçekmi
- Çakralar ve enerji kanallari
- Konusma - Beijing'95
- Times of India
- NIH Sahaja Yoga üzerine seminer
- Benim Çiçek Çocuklarima
- Sahaja Yoga in UK
- SY Meditation & The founder of SY
- Miracles I've experienced - Chris Coles
- Spiritual Enlightenment
- Be one in the ocean of joy
- A short introduction to meditation
- Greece 2001
- A personal voyage - Mark Daniel
- A gift to humanity from Nirmala Devi
- Quotations Index
- Evolution - Avoiding the snakes
- Key facts for Shri Mataji
- The subtle body
- Interviews with the Masters
- Experience of Cristina Bruce
- Experience of Tim Bruce
- Paradise lost & found - Shivani
- The silence
- Meditation through music
- SY Meditation as taught by Shri Mataji
- My life saving experience - Jenny Brown
- About innocence and purity
- Experience of Gajanan Thorat
- SY Meditation
- Welcome to meditate Sahaja Yoga
- The tree of life
- Ease the pain and stress with some Yoga
- Check our websites around the world
- Why I practice Sahaja Yoga meditation
- Sahaja Yoga in UK (index)
- Other official Sahaja Yoga websites worldwide
- Sahaja Yoga reading articles
- Press release - The fourth state of consciousness
- Press release - Twice Nobel Peace Prize
- Press release - Objectives of Sahaja Yoga
- Press release - Meditation
- Press release - Achievements
- Press release - Honours
- Press release - Shri Mataji
- Receive your Self Realization in your home
- New programmes in Scotland
- Sahaja Yoga in Ukraine
- Experience of Pavluk
- Feel the Cool Breeze
- Feel the Cool Breeze (English)
- Kharkov's group of Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga in Ukraine (English)
- The Heavenly River (English)
- Sahaja Yoga Web sites in Ukraine
- The Heavenly River
- Sahaja Yoga Web sites in Ukraine
- News 2001
- News
- What is Sahaja Yoga
- About Chakras
- About Kundalini
- About Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- Sahaja Yoga's history in Ukraine
- Sahaja Yoga's centers in Ukraine
- Sahaja Yoga in USA
- Adishakti
- Poems by Anil Joshi
- Sahaja Yoga Bay Area, CA
- Light in the midst of darkness
- SY - Union with the Self
- Experience of a dentist
- Sahaja Yoga in St Louis
- Is Sahaja Yoga for me?
- Experience of Ann & Russell
- Switching people on with Sahaja Yoga
- Who we truly are
- Thank you Shri Mataji
- Sahaja Yoga in Atlanta
- I am a Sahaja Yogi
- Experience of Reenu Sivakumar
- Experience of Sivakumar V
- Experience of Alla Kulkarni
- Experience of Raya Levitan
- Pure wisdom, compassion and joy
- How to touch the Divinity within yourself
- Health, Yoga and Meditation
- Self Realization achieved effortlessly
- Sahaja Yoga in Oregon
- Discovery
- Journey
- Understanding Sahaj
- Fari's poem
- What exactly is Sahaja Yoga
- The Mother calls
- Vibratory awareness
- Shri Mataji and Mona Lisa
- All there is
- Paradise
- Experience of Ravindra Kulkarni
- The Mother calls
- Matt's Musing
- Everything you need is within you
- Innocence a gift from Shri Mataji
- Spiritual Awakening
- Be one in the ocean of joy
- SY in Oakland, Berkeley, San Bruno & Santa Clara
- Shri Mataji in North America
- Sahaja Yoga in San Jose
- Como es adento es afuera
- SY Meditation - A perspective
- Sahaja Yoga in Edison, NJ
- Enlightening experience
- A unique experience of life
- Finding SahajaYoga - Jyoti Bajescu
- Shri Mataji's life
- I finally woke up
- Experience of Louisa Upadhya
- We have to go within
- Self-confidence through SY Meditation
- Stress management through SY Meditation
- Moment of bliss
- Poem for America by Nancy
- Experience of Prasanti
- SahajaYoga a gift - Sarah
- Awakening
- Experience of Ravindra
- Light in the midst of darkness
- The unique way to know absolute truth
- Is happiness eluding you?
- Did you remember John Lenon?
- SY - the ultimate path to reach the truth
- Sahaja Yoga and you
- Experience of Shiv Kant Halway
- Transformation through Sahaja Yoga Meditation
- Krishna within
- Experience of Vineet & Smita Shrivastava
- Explanation of Mooladhara chakra according to SY
- Explanation of Sahasrara chakra according to SY
- You cannot know the meaning of your life until...
- My experience in Sahaja Yoga
- How can you tell who is who?
- An experience that chaned my life - Srilaxmi
- Experience of Swetha
- It is under construction
- SY association of Purdue University
- SY - A seven week foundation course
- Seeking the Spirit - Dorothy Logan
- Sahaja Yoga in California
- To those who haven't understood SY truely
- Nirmala Devi's North American Appearances
- My Dear Children...
- Know more about Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga Facts
- The art and science of meditation for Self Realization
- Thank you, Shri Mataji
- Come and discover the destiny of humanity
- Sahaja Yoga in New York
- Divine cool breeze
- Everything about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- Mother - The Great Guru
- Shri Mataji at the Lincoln Memorial
- Shri Mataji at the Washington Monument